
September 26, 2018 Expand Your Knowledge: Add a Minor

In our college, we encourage students to be outside-the-box thinkers. We’re thrilled you’ve chosen a degree path in design, but there are several minors offered by our college and the university to expand your knowledge and create a unique educational experience for yourself at UT.

Close to home…

Interested in furthering your design knowledge within our own college? Check out these minors.

The School of Interior Architecture offers a minor in Industrial Design for all students. This program combines design, engineering, business, art and the humanities to teach students how to address need, create systems, solve problems.

This minor was created specifically for Interior Architecture students who would like to gain a better understanding of architecture. Students will gain experience in understanding architectural issues related to topics such as history and theory, building and construction, contemporary practices and other related issues.

This minor is intended to promote interdisciplinary involvement for students, specifically in the School of Architecture. Students interested in this minor will gain basic knowledge in interior architecture with exposure to aesthetics, technology, professional practices and history.


For our business-minded thinkers…

Thinking of freelancing or starting your own firm one day? Check out these business-oriented minors.

Students pursuing this minor will take introductory business courses, such as accounting, economics, marketing and management, to learn the fundamentals of the business world.

Students interested in this minor will take a combination of entrepreneurship courses and classes related to their area of focus. Options include courses in graphic design, marketing, economics and leadership.

This minor is a unique opportunity for students to develop their leadership skills through experiential learning. Students will take classes in educational leadership and policy studies as well as complete leadership service hours and a leadership development portfolio. This minor is open to all students of every major, but applications are required.


For our environmentalists…

Interested in learning more about how to integrate sustainability practices into your designs? Check out these minors.

Students interested in pursuing this minor will take courses that address sustainability challenges, economics and policy and resource management.

This sociology-based minor allows students to dive deeper into the relationship between natural resources and society. Students take courses in topics such as comparative poverty and development, social values and the environment and social justice and community service.

This program based in geography allows students to broaden their knowledge on urban development. Students in this minor can take classes on the importance of cities, transportation and sustainable cities and landscapes.


For our history-lovers…

Interested in learning more about the history of how humans interact with their environment? Check out these history-based minors.

Students interested in pursuing this minor will take courses across the three disciplines of anthropology: biological anthropology, archaeology, cultural anthropology. After taking an introduction course in each focus area, students may complete the remaining hours in their choice of upper-division anthropology courses.

This classics-based minor allows students to learn more about the physical evidence of ancient Greece, ancient Italy and Rome. These courses emphasize the history and anthropological and art-historical approaches of across the eras.

To see the full list of minors offered by the university,